April 24, 2010


Some random thoughts. It had been raining a lot here lately. It doesn’t bother me as much as it used to because now I have a lawn I have to worry about and rain means I don’t have to water as much and it saves me money. I love Denver, but am not crazy about the weather. I actually like it here way more than I anticipated and plan on staying here as long as I can. However, Coloradoans LOVE Colorado and always try to convince people the weather isn't as bad as thye may think. They always say things that crack me up.

One thing they always say is “if you don’t like the weather, wait until tomorrow”. This always cracks me up because I travel a lot and EVERYONE says that everywhere. Go to Florida and they tell you the same. Go to Chicago and they will say the same. The fact of the matter is, weather is unpredictable in lots of places. This isn't a charaterisitic of Colorado, it's a characterisitic of weather in general, and everywhere has weather, so stop bragging about it! Plus, how the heck is that a positive? People act like this crazy weather is fun and exciting. No it isn’t. One day it is freezing and snowing and miserable and the next day it’s 60 degrees. How is that a good thing? A good thing would be TWO 60 degree days, not one crappy day and one nice day. I liken it to a crazy girlfriend. It’s like talking to your friends and saying, “Well, yesterday my girlfriend got mad and drove my car into a light pole, but today she said she loved me and bought me a video game! My girlfriend is crazy one day, but if you wait a little, she’s fine later!” That’s not acceptable, right? So if your crazy girlfriend screams and yells at you half the time, it would be okay as long as every once in a while she was super sweet and nice? How would that be considered a good thing?! And the more rapid the mood swings, the bigger hte problem, right? That’s called bipolar and you need to get the heck out of that relationship! So why is it okay that I’m emotionally abused by the weather in Denver and people think it’s great because the weather is nice some of the time? I really need more stability - like a nice sane and consistent California.  In this scenario, California is the best girlfriend ever, and Colorado is a very crappy girlfriend. I’m just saying. And in Colorado, you never know how to dress. It’s cold, then warm, then cold again. That’s not a good thing. The state motto here is “dress in layers” (I may have made that up). I don’t want to dress in layers. I want to wear shorts and flip flops and I want to still be as comfortable at 8:00 pm as I was at noon.  I don’t want to have to carry extra clothes with me everywhere I go. That isn’t a positive. That’s just annoying! I still love my crazy girlfriend of Colorado and will probably never leave her, but let’s not pretend the weather thing is one of her endearing qualities.

The other thing that gets me is that they call Colorado the “sunshine state” and claim to have 390 days of sunshine a year or something like that. First of all, I think Coloradoans are the only ones who think Colorado is the sunshine state. I’m pretty sure California and Florida got dibs on that. Second of all, who the heck cares that the sun is out if it’s -10 degrees outside? Third of all, what constitutes a sunny day? Who’s counting? All summer long it’s 85 degrees and beautiful outside while I’m in work and every single day I get off work around 5:30pm – 6:00 pm and the temperature has dipped to the low 70’s and the clouds roll in and it starts to rain. This doesn’t help me at all. I’m sure that goes into the weather log as a sunny day, but I didn’t benefit from it. I want a stat telling me about the amount of days with nice weather between the hours of 5:00 pm and 9:00 pm when I can actually enjoy it. Also, I haven’t really noticed it being all that sunny. If it rains all day and the sun comes out for 30 minutes later in the afternoon, does that still count as a sunny day? Someone needs to figure this out.


  1. haha, you do looked stoned in that picture. I'm so excited about their progress! I'm still rooting for them coming home the end of May when we are coming over!

  2. AMEN AMEN AMEN on the weather!!!!! Sounds like Calgary and Denver could be sisters!!!!!!

    I absolutely LOVE all the pictures!! Keep them coming!!!!

  3. For the record, California is the best girlfriend in the world! You should move here. :) I'm just saying; the fact your family ever left is kind of a crime.
    Love your rants.
